Welcome Note

Hello, Welcome to my thoughtful world!A world of subtle but deep thoughts.And a world with a transparent window to my inner contemplation & much more. Hope you have a nice time reading it...and yeah, do feel free to convey your opinions.Your valuable feedback will help me become a better writer,thinker & blogger!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Premature Nostalgia!

     After two weeks of exhausting compree's (read final-exams) resulting in sleepless nights, here I sit at 2 in the night before my laptop, not with the despair of messing up two nor with the delight of cracking a few but with a set of feelings I am not accustomed to. Its not insomnia or gratification flowing in my mind, but rather it is nostalgia. This time it is not a typical last compree feel where I count the seconds to board the flight. This time it is bidding Good bye. Three years of my graduation is about to be completed. Three full years!They passed away so quickly, that I still remember wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks when my dad looked back & waved his hand while leaving Pilani on the first day of my campus life.It feels like yesterday. But a lot has changed over these years. Friends formed, hangouts increased, bondings developed, Individuality grew, personality developed and of course, knowledge & wisdom, the essence of my Journey to Pilani! Deep down, the DNA has evolved so much, that I feel like a different person now. This place has truely transformed me. And like all good things, this is approaching an end. A more appropriate phrase would be 'taking a break', as I would be back for my psenti sem(last semister) for one last time.
     Probably,we,Bitsians, might be the only breed who virtually complete their degree at the end of the third year. Even statistically,what else is left? One PS2(read internship) and a psenti sem with a couple of courses and loads of placement sessions to attend to. One way of looking at it would be to contemplate about the prospect of a 6 months internship in a new city and looking forward to life with bright hope. But sadly, the other one is to realize the fact of bidding good bye to half your friends & probably, the complete 'typical' Bitsian life. Both irreplaceable happenings especially when your dearest mates are leaving. I feel like approaching the end of a journey. I feel like I am gonna gravely miss my travel companions.Even before entering to the final year, I feel like experiencing a farewell. It is like Au Revoir? coming true. It is like premature nostalgia. An inevitable event, but reaching far before my expectation. With loads of mixed emotions & heart felt wishes, I am bidding farewell to many of my pals.
     If life was a fictitious novel, this would be the last page of a chapter. With only ifs & buts, this would be the point where the author reflects upon the past & makes way for the future. Cherishing all my happy memories, I wish this wasn't an epiphany striking me hard. I wish I had saw the nostalgia forthcoming, if not for the premature occurrence.        

1 comment:

  1. Good post dude. I wish you very good luck with your life.
